کتاب المرکبات
سپر پنسار سٹورکی طب وطبیب کی ترویج و ترقی اور اطباء وحکماء کرام کی سہولت کےلیے
متعدد اتھنیٹک کتب سے ماخوز ایک بہت بڑی ہربل مرکبات کی کولیکشن متعارف کروائی ہے۔
جس میں آپ ہر قسم کے مرکب ادویات مثلاشربت، سفوف، معاجین وغیرہ کامکمل نسخہ اوزان اور ترکیب تیاری و استعمال و محفوظ کرنے کے طریقے مندرج ہیں نیز کسی بھی قسم کی مرکب دوا پورے اجزاء کے ساتھ ماہریں طب کی زیر نگرانی تیار کردہ صرف ایک فون کال پر میسر ہے

Super Pansar Store
brought forward a wide gamut of excellent quality of Herbal Raw Material, dealers, manufacturers and exporters. You can select from a our range of herbs including Home Remedies, Spices, Herbal Remedies, Pure Herbs Extract, Raw Medicinal Herbs, Natural Honey etc.
Super pansar
طب کی دنیا میں جدید دورکا سب سے معروف پلیٹ فارم انٹر نیٹ ویب سائٹ پہ سپر پنسار سٹورآپ کی خدمت میں موجود ہے
Wholesale Do you own a Business? Want to buy 100% pure

Herbal Medicine is the study of the use of medicinal plants, which are a basis of traditional medicine. The scope of herbal medicine commonly includes fungal and bee products, as well as minerals, shells and certain animal parts. Its very common, safer and more effective way of treatment. There is hunderd years old teatment.
علم الادویہ
Kitab ul Mufradat Online (Modern style)
Essential Oils Benefits
Essential Oils is Purest Form of Herbs. Its Extracted directly from the bark, flowers, leaves, resins, and roots of plants. Its takes three hundred Pounds Rose Petals, Fifty Five Pounds of Lavender to fill a single Fifteen Milliliter Bottle of Essential Oil.
Are You Find HerbalMedicine ?
Super Pansar Store give you Roots, Seeds, Spices, Dry Frouts, Herbs Flower, Herbs Bark, Herbal Frouts, Herbal Leaves Herbs Oils, Herbs Extract, Herbs Raw Meterial and Powder form.
Herbal Extract Benefits
Extracts are one of the simplest ways to enjoy the goodness of herbs.Our organic botanical are lovingly Extracts using time-honored recipes and tended daily.Handcrafted in Eugene,Oregon for divine and unsurpassed quality.
Super Pansar Unique Herbs
Super Pansar Interduced unique and specious herbs on just one click. We arranged special quality of Deer Musk, Saffron, Ambergris, Perls, Red Corals, Mistic gum, Agarwood, Narjel Daryai and Sea Horse etc. On affordable Prices. Must be visit website Super Pansar Store for More guidness.
امراض پر تحقیق اور بلا امتیاز مفت طبی مشورے
Faizan ul Hikmat Dawakhana
Men's Diseases
مردانہ امراض
Men’s Diseases Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Women's Diseases
زنانہ امراض
Women’s Diseases Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Child's Diseases
بچوں کے امراض
Child’s Diseases Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Kitab ul Mufaradat
کتاب المفردات
کتاب المفرادات بطرز جدید اردو،انگلش،عربی،ہندی رومن اردو زبان میں دیسی جڑی بوٹیاں کی لغات و ڈکشنری قدیم بہ اضافہ دور حاضر کی جدید دیسی ادویات
Ilaaj ul Imraz
علاج الا مراض
امراض پر تحقیق اور بلا امتیاز مفت طبی مشورے
معیاری اور خالص جڑی بوٹیوں سے ادویات کی تیاری
سستا دائمی اور تمام ضمنی اثرات سے پاک علاج
Hakim Hafiz Hadayat Ali is establish Matab Faizan ul Hikmat, and Faizan ul Hikmat website for hopeless peoples. Where he gives huge knowldge for diseas, Symptoms, Reasons and Treatments with Natural Herbs. You mainly focused on traditional medicine to diversify in fields of higher education, publishing and social work. In the need of modren world first time in Pakistan we interduced Kitab ul Mufrdat in many languages like Urdu, English Arabic and Hindi thats help you in seaching of Herbs also interduced Kitab ul Murakabaat for herbal formulations like Botanical Pills, capsuls, syrup, and many other you need

Hakeem Hafiz Hadayat Ali
Get In Touch
60-Rafiq Park Sher Shah Road Shad Bagh Lahore Lahore, Punjab Pakistan